Soroti University e-learning Training

Training of Soroti University staff in course design basics and moodle based e-learning systems administration. Some of the the content covered included the following: …

Save for Health Uganda (SHU)

SHU is a local country-wide operating NGO which envisions healthier families with simplified access to quality health care. Our mission is …

Kampala International University (KIU)

Training over 100 lecturers in creating online and offline content/ presentations, use of the e-learning platform and how to manage the learning Management …

US Embassy Kampala

The Mission was composed of several offices and organizations all working under the auspices of the Embassy and at the direction of the Ambassador …

Uganda Police Force

In a bid to improve the ICT skills of the Uganda police, Uganda Police sent over 100 top officers to be trained …

International School of Uganda (ISU)

Training over 30 members of staff of ISU were trained on the International computer driving license Syllabus (ICDL) Version 5 at the end of …

PPDA E-learning Training

Training over 80 staff of PPDA from different units in the country about the use and administration of the PPDA e-learning portal. Members were …

MasterCard Foundation Makerere

Training over 200 Students from different courses on International Computer Driving (ICDL) under the MasterCard Foundation Grant. …

URSB Staff Training

Training over 70 staff of URSB on 7 modules under the international Computer Driving License (ICDL) certification program …